The Armstrongs: A Family Portrait Session

I try to keep my family sessions relaxed and light-hearted. I find that the best way to have a stress-free session is to not introduce a ton of it in the first place. Having your family portraits taken is not something that people do too often and there can be a mix of feelings going into it and depending on the bribing capabilities of the parent kids are sometimes really hesitant to do what you want them to do. You have to find balance between casualness and the need to provide great photos and a fun client experience. Unless those clients are your sister, brother-in-law, nephew and niece.

“Just go stand over there in the grass.”

“Where, here?”

“Yeah sure. Look less… weird”

My sister and her family wanted to update their family photos and they wanted to head somewhere new. My sister found Rauscher Farm in Clinton- a place that I had never heard of - and it worked out perfectly. We managed to get a couple of fun locations in before the inevitable meltdown that comes form a tired nephew and niece.

Check out some of my favorites!