Front Porch Sessions: Photos for a Cause

A lot of things have come out of the Pandemic. A lot of them have been sub-par to say the least but that isn’t a universal truth because there have been some silver linings in this hurricane cluster of black clouds. A lot of families have spent more quality time together than they have been able to before. People have found alternative ways to stay happy, stay fulfilled, and in some cases lend a hand to the cause.

Front porch sessions, the Front Steps Projects, and others have become a popular way for photographers to try to give back to the community. While some have done these mini-sessions for fun or as a way for photographers to try to stay afloat, many have done these for charitable causes. I jumped at the chance to take offer these sessions because I was feeling particularly useless while I watched people in my community rise up to the cause. I charged $50 per 15ish minute session and donated all of that to the Worcester Together Fund- a charity run by the United Way of Central MA to help those hit hardest by the pandemic. Altogether I was able to donate just under $400.

I am currently raising money to support Color of Change- a charity dedicated to holding people and corporations accountable for racial injustice. If you would like to book a front porch session the cost is $50. The session lasts about 15 minutes and includes three digital image files with more available for purchase.

Here are some of my faves from the past few months!