A Family Portrait on Lake Quinsigamond

About ninety percent of my family sessions take place at local parks and about ninety percent of THOSE take place at Moore State Park in Paxton. This is fine with me. I have built my family sessions around the idea that they are simply a walk in the park with the occasional photo break. This allows me to capture some great group portraits in natural, comfortable environments while also being able to photograph genuine interactions. The key is comfort.

Occasionally I will have a client who want their session to happen in their backyard. I am always game for this because even if most backyards are smaller than a park, they are the place where people are generally very comfortable. Smiles come easier and some of the anxiety that is common when being photographed dissipates.

If your backyard is Lake Quinsigamond, well, score!

The Meyers live in a condo community on the shores of Lake Quinsig and their backyard - even in the sense of the greater community’s backyard, was beautiful. I enjoyed working with the Meyers and in between talking about drones with David (the dad) we managed to get some fun photos as the sun started to set.

Check out some of my favorites:

If you are looking for a family session in your backyard, a park, or a luxury yacht that you want to invite me on, check out my family session page by clicking here!